I only wish that the love of language could be taught.
Words describe and transcend all that define us, our beliefs, our insecurities,
our hypocrisies, our truths and the ordinary events that shape our lives.
Poignant writings touch our hearts, humour tickle and make us see the lighter
side of life while thought-provoking passages find its way to stir our conscience
and touch our hearts.
Recently I looked through my pile of books and resumed
reading a young adult book that I had bought sometime ago. The Future of Us is written
by Jay Asher
and Carolyn Mackler in two voices,
Emma’s and Josh’s.
is 1996, less than half of all American high school students have ever used the
internet. Emma’s parents are divorced and she lives with her mother and her
mother’s new husband. Martin. She
receives her fist computer from her dad and an America Online CD-ROM from her
neighbour and best friend, Josh. They power up the computer and log on and
discover themselves on Facebook, fifteen years in the future. FACEBOOK is only
invented in 2004. The premise of the story is that everybody wonders what their
FUTURE will be but what if you can see from your FACEBOOK whom you are destined
to marry or where you will be and you do not like it, will you tweak it?
sees that she is going to marry a jerk and she has to try to intervene by
looking up who the future husband is and where he lives. It is rather hilarious
when she finds the her future husband lives
in Tampa State, she scraps the idea of going to college in Tampa State even that
has always been her first college choice. She wants to rule out the possibility of
meeting the ‘husband’ so she does not end up marrying him.
Josh’s voice,
‘JUST LIKE THAT, the future is changed forever.
I want to both scream and laugh
hysterically. Instead, I crumple the photocopy in my hand and throw it across
the room. The paper barely makes a sound when it hits the wall.
“ You can’t do that !” I shout.’
only you could pre-empt bad things from happening but Josh is annoyed with her
and tells her that all she sees is snippets of the future and she should not
tamper with the future in that manner. According to Facebook, Josh’s future is
says to Emma, “ We need to do things exactly as we would’ve done them before
Emma, she sees that she is not happy and that needs to change, and she realizes
that one little ripple can change the future
and Josh thinks it is dangerous stuff.
Josh looks into the FACEBOOK, he sees that he is going to settle down with
Sydney Mills , the IT girl in school, he becomes more confident. When he manages to
get Sydney’s attention, Josh finds that he does not connect with Sydney Mills
to whom he is supposed to be married fifteen years from now.
Josh is therefore in a dilemma, he contacts his
brother, David.
“ I know
what your problem is ,” David says.
“ I have
a problem?”
“ You’re
a go-with-the-flow guy,” he says. “ You’ve always been that way. And that can
feel great because it means you don’t have to make any hard decisions. But
sometimes you need to figure out what you want, Josh. If that means you need to
swim against the tide to get it, at least you’re aiming for something that
could make you very happy.”
I twist the swing in the other
“ Where do you want to go to college?”
David asks.” I know you won’t have to deal with that until next year, but where
are you considering now? “
I laugh into the phone . He thinks I’m going to say Hemlock
State, where Mom and Dad work. But I’ve seen Facebook. I know where I’m going,
and he’s wrong. “The University of Washington,” I say.
The protagonists realise that even the smallest change to their present will ripple into the future so they should stop trying to tamper with what they think might be their future by just reading into their posts on Facebook. They decide to stop looking to the future, they must live in the here and now. Yes one must always focus on the present. What will be, will be.
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