One weekday afternoon, I was famished and had to step out to grab a bite. While waiting for tomato soup, I wanted to return a call to an acquaintance who had texted and ask if she could contact me about some legal advice. Oops I left my phone in the office. I had tomato soup, too much dried herbs otherwise nice, a spiced coconut cake and an espresso and I read a few pages of Transit by Rachel Cusk. I got through forty minutes without checking my phone. Bliss.
There are days when there are urgent tasks and work to do, I get anxiety attacks partly because of my work and mainly because I have less or zero time to devour any of the fictions and non-fictions that I have set out to read plus too many good articles and writings to consume on line whether on my MacBook or kindle. Ravenous I am. Internet has given the benefit where I can do some of my work anywhere and at times when it is time to eat I bring my book with a view to catch up with a page or two from where I left off, I get distracted and find myself responding to a client’s email or text on my iPhone. I need to give myself the space to decompress, away from network so I could do some quiet reading.
In this internet age, social etiquette has taken on a new landscape. It seems to be acceptable when one is seen responding to texts in the office or during lunch with others. The netizens appear to be constantly engaged with their devices whether at work or on the road. Since we are required to do things electronically and also off-line, multitasking is necessary if we want to maximize our time attending to tasks in the physical world as well as on line. The young generations are naturally good at keeping up with technology while the baby boomers and the older generations adapt to the changes to keep up with the modern life. In this age of connectivity, we cannot live without the internet. Period.
As the story progresses, Alice is plunging into an online bottomless hole of strange connections just like how a seven-year-old Alice in Wonderland follows a hare down a rabbit hole when suddenly she finds herself falling a long way down and in a curious hall with many locked doors of all sizes. The following passage resonates with me except that I will have to substitute ‘my philosophy degree’ with ‘my law degree’ and while my biological parents raise me, I only know of my dad’s adoptive family and not his natural parents.
‘ Have you ever truly, keenly felt like you don’t know who you are? Do you ever do something and think, Who is at the Controls? Like some mad pilot has locked you out of the cockpit? I definitely do. I feel a kind of vertigo that makes me shake afterwards. I guess we all feel it when making a difficult- seeming choice, and sometimes you seriously don’t know what you want because you don’t know who you’re supposed to be, or who you want to be. Physics, my first and second families, my philosophy degree, had all failed to help me answer that question. The former has led me to wonder whether I am one of an infinite number of Alices in multiple universes. A quantum fuck-up, which is some who fucks up in every one of those universes but in different ways. My first family took no care at my making, and my second family got me, essentially by mistake, out of a million possible babies going spare.”
Life is often stranger than fiction. In her debut novel, Olivia Sudjic has made reference to the two plane incidents that involve Malaysia Airline flight. When I stumbled upon Sympathy the remarkable debut by its author, I had to get it. Somehow the book has taken me longer than the time normally taken for me to read as it is written in a non-linear way and as it is , I am a person who does things in a non-linear way, and I have the habit of reading a few books simultaneously, thus it has taken me a while to get engaged with the story. Here is a reference to one of the plane incidents.
When Dwight came to our bedroom after supper, he was distracted. He had become even more obsessed with the missing plane after the second one, another Malaysia Airline flight, was shot down over eastern Ukraine.
“ The numbers are spooking me,” he said as he got into bed.
I tried to sound normal. “Because it’s the second time, you mean ?”
“No- well, yes, that too. Listen, though : Flight 17 , Boeing 777, first flew July 17, 1997, exactly, like, exactly seventeen years to the day before it crashed, July 17.”
“ It’s weird,” I said
Imagine a life without Wikipedia. Here is another passage from Sympathy.
“ I realized I did not know precisely what a seizure was. Stop for a moment to think of a life without Wikipedia. Sweet source of eternal comfort. Ministering angel of information . Think of your life without the option to Internet search.”
Olivia Sudjic writes:
‘This is just happening so naturally, I told myself. I just have to keep pressing on each link to get to the next;I don’t have to know where it’s going.’
Sympathy is hailed as the first great literary Instagram
Indeed it is brilliant. Splendid.
Indeed it is brilliant. Splendid.
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